Recharge Your Mind, One Night at a Time
Sleep plays a crucial role in both our physical health and our mental health, and accordingly should not be underestimated or neglected. We all know how a single night of poor sleep can affect not only our energy and focus, but it might also affect our memory, judgement, and mood. Unfortunately, we live in a modern society where our busy schedules and our exposure to all types of screens and devices can impact our sleep dramatically, often pushing us in a self-perpetuating cycle of dysregulated sleep which can be hard to break.
Sufficient and good quality sleep is needed not only to wake up refreshed and have good energy to go through your day, but also for a wide range of significant health benefits including blood sugar and weight regulation, immune regulation, good cognition and memory, and stable mood and mental health. Stress is an important factor to consider since experiencing significant mental stress can impair our sleep, and on the other hand poor sleep can makes us more vulnerable to stress.
Aim to sleep 8 to 9 hours every night, ideally going to bed between 9 and 10pm. Prepare for your sleep time by avoiding screens (TV, computer, smartphone, etc.) at least 1 hour before bedtime, and prefer more calming activities (calm discussion, reading a book, manual crafts, etc.). You can also make yourself a nice and relaxing cup of herbal tea (chamomile or other relaxing/night-time blends) to sip slowly. Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet enough (otherwise consider using an eye mask and ear plugs), and that you air your room and change your sheets regularly. Diffusing calming essential oils like lavender can also help relax your mind and body, whether you do it in your living area or your bedroom.
If you feel that you have significant difficulties with your sleep, consider seeking advice from a naturopath who can help you with appropriate nutritional and herbal medicines.